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How to Get Women to Like You Badly


If you want to know how to be a bad boy with women, here are five essential characteristics you must possess.

You must cultivate these five essential personality traits and behaviors.Your chances of achieving success with women will decrease if even one of these is ignored.

1.SELF-ASSURED CONFIDENCE If you want to really learn how to be a bad boy with women, this is by far the most important of all.

A Bad Boy exudes an unwavering total self-assurance that declares, "I know who I am, I like who I am - and I don't give a damn what you think of me" to anyone who sees him.This self-assurance and confidence are very attractive to women.

2.DOES NOT CARE ABOUT FAILING AND TAKES RISKS Bad Boys are so confident in everything they do that they do not worry about failing.

They don't always succeed, though.

Take, for instance, the art of picking up women:Women reject every Bad Boy and Pick Up Master—if they claim otherwise, they are lying.However, Bad Boys don't care.

This is due to the fact that he is so self-assured and confident in himself that nothing bothers him, and he is aware that other beautiful women are out there waiting for him.

Consider how you currently react and feel when a woman turns you down.You probably drown your sorrows in alcohol or wallow in self-pity and anguish, as I used to do, because it hurts so badly.

However, the Bad Boy simply moves on to the next gorgeous woman.

3.Women find MYSTERIOUS Mystery to be an effective aphrodisiac.

Every Bad Boy exudes mystery.He sometimes doesn't tell a woman where he's going, where he's been, who he was with, or why he didn't call as promised.

She'll try to get it out of him, even get angry, but he dilmil won't tell her.She will become irrationally curious and frequently irrational in bed if she does not know.

4.PREDICTABLE The majority of men are routine and predictable.

Almost every woman is aware of the specific things a man will say, do, and respond to in any given circumstance.

Consider how predictable the majority of men are when it comes to picking up a woman, and how easy it is for a woman to use one of her prepared responses to get him to leave.

However, when a Bad Boy approaches a woman and throughout the initial stages of their relationship (and beyond), he is frequently unpredictable, keeping her slightly off balance.

She practically has no idea what will happen next at any given time.According to a girl I dated, it's similar to stroking a panther—different, risky, thrilling, and unpredictable.

Unpredictability is adored by women:They want to spice up their otherwise well-ordered life with a man who is passionate, exciting, driven by pleasure, and possibly dangerous.

5.The Nice Guy informs the woman that she is the prize whenever he attempts to seduce her. DIFFERENT AND DANGEROUS BELIEVES HE IS THE PRIZEHowever, The Bad Boy conveys to women that he is the prize in everything he says and does.

Consequently, he is aware that he can date any woman.That knowledge is review extremely potent and completely alters your behavior and how the world perceives you.

These are the five qualities that you absolutely must possess in order to learn How To Be A Bad Boy With Women.Of course, there are other things as well, but these are by far the most significant.


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